Category: Travel

Suzhou – Taihu Lake

Taihu Lake is a large freshwater lake located in Jiangsu province. Three major cities are situated close by; Suzhou, Wuxi and Huzhou. Most tourists stop by Wuxi to take in the beautiful scenery of Taihu, home to many national parks, gardens and historic sights. While Wuxi is right on the lake, Suzhou is inland, about

Suzhou – Song He Lou 松鹤楼

Song He Lou is one of Suzhou’s oldest restaurants with over 200 years of history including multiple visits from Qing dynasty emperor, QianLong. Located near the heart of Guan Qian shopping district, the restaurant has continued to serve traditional Suzhou dishes under the glow of neon signs. A dinner at Song He Lou was my

Suzhou – One Fish

Nearly 6 months ago, I got married. After our wedding in Toronto, The Hubby and I set off for a 5 week adventure throughout China and Southeast Asia. Our trip began with stops in Suzhou, China (my home town) and Hong Kong (his home town) for two more wedding receptions with our extended families. During

Minnesota State Fair

In May of this year my sister in law had her first child, an adorable baby boy. She lives in Minnesota and due to the timing of her pregnancy, her and her husband weren’t able to fly back for my wedding this summer. The Hubby and I couldn’t wait to meet his nephew and planned

Montreal – Holder

Our last stop in Montreal was at Holder Restaurant for brunch. While the space was elegant and the food simple and satisfying, I found the price a touch high. For my purposes, I would’ve appreciated a more relaxed atmosphere with heartier portions. As is, Holder would be a nice stop for a more refined meal.