- Address: 2F Koon Wong Mansion, 2-6 Ning Rd Yuen Long, Kowloon Bay
- Visited: 06/11/2015, Dinner, 14 people
- Cuisine: Chinese
- Rating: 4.0 5.0 Excellent, worth every $
4.5 Good, food & value
4.0 Good, but $$, would re-visit
3.5 Meh, good $, would re-visit
3.0 Meh, would not re-visit
2.0 Did not like $$ [$] <20; [$$] <40; [$$$] <80; [$$$$] >80
- Website: N/A

Tai Wing Wah is known for their pork lard rice, shallow clay pots of steamed rice seasoned with soy sauce and lard, drippings from roast pork. This was one dish that The Hubby raved about and one of his late grandmother’s favourite restaurants. We stopped by for a family meal with our parents, his aunt and my cousins, a full table. The top of table was equally full of dishes, to the point where our server was stacking plates on top of each other to fit everything in.
With coconut soup, roast goose, bbq duck, oyster omelette, squid and fish, pretty much every farm (and sea) animal was present. The stand out dish of dinner though, was of course the pork lard rice. Steamed in a shallow clay pot, each grain of rice had the perfect texture and could be individually picked out. Along with the pots of rice, two bottles were passed around the table, one of premium soy sauce and the other filled with pure, golden lard. Each person could customize their rice but the key was to forget about calories, healthy decisions and balance the ratio of soy sauce to lard, adjusting along the way. Only a small amount of lard was needed, a tbsp or two, to coat the grains of rice with savoury, meaty goodness. The soy sauce provided also had a deep, rich flavour with a touch of sweetness.
After the mountain of dishes dinner ended with steamers of Ma Lai cake, a Chinese steamed sponge cake. The thick, fluffy slices of cake were moist and light.
With that, this is my last post for Hong Kong! After four days filled with seafood, dim sum, mango slushies and egg tarts, my pants were snugger. At this point, The Hubby and I bid adieu to our family and set off on the real “honeymoon” portion of our trip. First stop, Bali.
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