MarkhamFood and FeedmyPhone are two popular food-centric Instagram accounts. While FeedmyPhone is run by Patrick and showcases his individual culinary experiences, MarkhamFood’s account (run by Jessy and Will) is an aggregator that scours their Instagram feed for the most droolworthy shots from their community.
Disclaimer: All food and drinks reviewed below were provided complimentary. All opinions expressed below are wholly mine.
To thank their growing community of Instagram followers and contributors, MarkhamFood and Patrick co-hosted a huge event this October, with over 100 attendees, catered by M.e.n.u Food Truck and Love Gelato. At the event, I got a chance to catch up with lots of familiar faces and meet new ones behind familiar Instagram handles. In addition to some delicious fried rice balls, there were a ton of raffle prizes for guests to bring home. Prizes included gift certificates to popular Markham eats (like Woofles and Cream) and stuffed dim sum plushies.
I wasn’t able to stick around for the entire event and had to leave just as Love Gelato was setting up. I was able to enjoy M.e.n.u.’s “make-your-own-riceball” station and kimchi poutine. One of the coolest parts of the event was getting to tour the food truck, which was incredibly clean and organized. I’ve raved about M.e.n.u.’s rice balls in the past and being able to customise my toppings only made them better. M.e.n.u. does offer catering services for any occasion. Growing in popularity are Food Trucks at weddings, way cooler as the late night treat than a snack table. The kimchi poutine was 50% topping and 50% crispy fries, the perfect ratio.
Jessy, Will and Patrick were gracious, fun hosts and the event was a great way to express their gratitude to their Instagram community.
Check out more pictures from the event at their website!
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